Once upon a time existed a world named Kanyapuri. There lived a Mangrove Forest, Sweet Lagoon, Fragrant River, Blue Ocean, and Two Tribes.The first tribe walked over Earth's Imagination and the second tribe swam under Water's Reality. One day a th...
Once upon a time existed a world named Kanyapuri. There lived a Mangrove Forest, Sweet Lagoon, Fragrant River, Blue Ocean, and Two Tribes.The first tribe walked over Earth's Imagination and the second tribe swam under Water's Reality. One day a third tribe who believed in making Imagination a Reality came out from the Crust to Destroy. The first tribe didn't see their Silence and didn't hear their Sound. The second tribe didn't smell their Silence and didn't feel their Sound. At last a fourth tribe who believed in making Reality an Imagination were dropped out from theSpace to Save.