With only a short time to live, Foran's has been a lone voice against the establishment for 40 years before new evidence emerged to prove his innocence. In their determination to convict him the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad resorted to an unp...
With only a short time to live, Foran's has been a lone voice against the establishment for 40 years before new evidence emerged to prove his innocence. In their determination to convict him the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad resorted to an unprecedented level of corruption and fraud. This corruption became endemic right to the top of the Force and into heart of the justice system until Lord Justice Leveson ordered the disbandment of the Squad. After two false convictions and spending over 19 years locked up for crimes he did not commit, Foran's second conviction was quashed and he now continues his fight against his first conviction which has been deemed 'unsafe' by the Criminal Case Review Commission and referred to the Court Of Appeal. The events are written in candid detail and supported by mountains of documented evidence.