"Mary Marzella and The Fairy King" is a short novel narrating the adventures of four school children Mary Marzella, Lucy, Brian and Ben. They are music lovers and form "The Majestics" Through the "Strange note" they learn the sad plight of the Fai...
"Mary Marzella and The Fairy King" is a short novel narrating the adventures of four school children Mary Marzella, Lucy, Brian and Ben. They are music lovers and form "The Majestics" Through the "Strange note" they learn the sad plight of the Fairy king who was made into a statue by the wicked witch. They decide to save their fairy king risking their lives.The chapters lead the readers through the world of fantasy, mysteries, puzzles and a series of tasks. Mary Marzella, an expert in guitar and vocals dares to enter the witches' palace and performs her best... Towards the end of the novel, the readers can understand whether she is successful or not in her venture.Regarding the "Annexure" it has many individual poems written by the young author as well as her grandpa, Mr.Rama.Pandian. These poems on varied subjects will definitely inspire the readers to become budding authors.