"Mattdata ki Apni Kitaab" is a collection of three pivotal books serving as a voter's manual, authored by individuals with a background in politics. They have actively participated in the electoral process, contesting Lok Sabha elections in 2019 a...
"Mattdata ki Apni Kitaab" is a collection of three pivotal books serving as a voter's manual, authored by individuals with a background in politics. They have actively participated in the electoral process, contesting Lok Sabha elections in 2019 and state assembly elections in 2020. Their aim is to awaken the Indian electorate, urging them to be vigilant and proactive in forming their own government, rather than allowing democracy to be ensnared in the clutches of political parties. The "Mattdata ki Apni Kitaab" series is dedicated to all Indian voters, presenting a comprehensive guide to empower them in the democratic process.