Different men and women continue their relentless efforts to satisfy their insatiable desires, which become irresistible with time, bound by the magical web of pre-marital and extra-marital relationships that are spread between men and women's mar...
Different men and women continue their relentless efforts to satisfy their insatiable desires, which become irresistible with time, bound by the magical web of pre-marital and extra-marital relationships that are spread between men and women's marital relations visible at the intersection of legality in society. In this novel, the main characters are a man and a woman involved in an extramarital affair. A number of relevant anecdotes emerge as the ramifications of the ongoing dynamic nature of their relationship. All these narratives and anecdotes contain an analysis of physical, mental and social relationships between men and women, detailed descriptions of diverse expressions of romantic love, passion and intimacy. The relationship between men and women, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, justice and injustice, faith and unbelief, respect and disrespect — such a variety of mental conflicts and dilemmas Dr. Dilip Samant's curiosity stimulating novel 'Maya Jaal'.