India, often hailed as a land of diversity, is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, languages,religions, and ethnicities. Within this vibrant mosaic, minorities in India encompass a widespectrum, ranging from religious minorities to caste and sexu...
India, often hailed as a land of diversity, is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, languages,religions, and ethnicities. Within this vibrant mosaic, minorities in India encompass a widespectrum, ranging from religious minorities to caste and sexual minorities, languageminorities, and gender minorities. With such a diversified group of people living in thenation, it becomes important to understand and reflect on the obstacles faced by theminorities in India. Despite facing historical and contemporary challenges, these minoritygroups contribute significantly to India's cultural, social, and economic fabric, enriching the nation's pluralistic identity. Embracing diversity as strength and fostering a culture ofempathy and understanding are integral to India's aspirations for a harmonious and inclusive society. This book is an attempt to understand the obstacles of minorities in India from a multidisciplinary perspective. With contributions from researchers around the country, we hope that this book will assist professionals, academicians, feminist psychologists,sociologists, and social workers worldwide.