"Mixed Feelings" is a multilingual compilation showcasing a plethora of writing genres — from motivational and romantic to fictional, realistic, and freeform compositions. The book serves as a tapestry of sentiments, encapsulating the myriad ups a...
"Mixed Feelings" is a multilingual compilation showcasing a plethora of writing genres — from motivational and romantic to fictional, realistic, and freeform compositions. The book serves as a tapestry of sentiments, encapsulating the myriad ups and downs of life. Dr. Mauskar's work delves into the instability and societal changes, offering reflections on motivation and navigating through darker days. "Mixed Feelings" is a linguistic cocktail, seamlessly weaving words from different languages and an array of emotions. This literary piece aims to connect with readers on a profound level, touching their hearts and resonating with the complexities of life.