
Modi - A Great Leader

by Somasekhara Panicker | 24-Feb-2024

"Every voter, young and old alike, should read this book to get a glimpse of how our country is being transformed by Prime Minister Modi. We are at the cross -roads of history. Don't lose this moment in the cacophony of noise.I have been very clos...
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Book Details

  • Language : English
  • Pages : 134
  • ISBN : 9789359893747
  • Genre: OTHERS
  • Size : 5" x 8"
  • Binding Type : PAPERBACK
  • Age Group: + Years
  • Paper Type : NATURAL SHADE
  • Interior : BLACK & WHITE
  • Cover : MATTE FINISH
  • Book Type : PAPERBACK
  • Tags : Modi - A Great Leader
  • Best Sellers Rank :
    #1277 in Academics
    #8110 in Global


  • Raj Shekhar Nair


    A well researched book highlighting various developmental initiatives of government in the last 9 years exhorting electorate to study,judge and vote to make India a developed country. I never came across any other such detailed descriptive compilation on all projects and government initiatives in one single volume. Every citizen of India must read, understand and excercise his franchise based on the facts unfolded showing the planned inclusive developmental achievement of last 9 years. An educated voter is the need of this hour when India is at crossroads of History aiming for a developed nation by 2047. A great thumbs-up to Mr Panicker for taking this initiative to awaken the masses

  • Simple Chauhan


    An excellent book which every citizen should read and understand to be an educated voter.Remeber ,destiny of India is in your hands and this book can help you to shape it well.

  • Radha Nair


    It’s one of the best books is have read so far on Modi. It highlights all of Modi’s achievements, his aspirations for 2047 when India celebrates its 100th anniversary of independence. Everyone should read it if one gets a chance.

  • Radha Nair


    It’s one of the best books is have read so far on Modi. It highlights all of Modi’s achievements, his aspirations for 2047 when India celebrates its 100th anniversary of independence. Everyone should read it if one gets a chance.

  • Captain RAS Chauhan


    I think.you have spend your valuable time to collect entire accurate information/ data of Modi's work during his nine and half year tenure and written an great book for our great leader which is excellent and commendable. I think you have not leave any stone unturned . It is my humble suggestion the book must be publish in Hindi version so that all citizens of our country can read this great book and know the fact regarding our countary,s progresse. It is my another suggestion is to approach central govt to buy number of books and distributed to all of our politicians disk to down to read understand to be an educate voters