This collection of short poems takes readers on a captivating journey exploring themes such as love, life, and pain. It delves into appreciation for artists, childhood joys, autism, the divine feminine, fatal illness, and the aftermath of death. T...
This collection of short poems takes readers on a captivating journey exploring themes such as love, life, and pain. It delves into appreciation for artists, childhood joys, autism, the divine feminine, fatal illness, and the aftermath of death. The poems also touch on the beauty of love, finding a soulmate, being there for each other, existential depression, and the torment of love. They highlight the value of loving someone despite their flaws, the potential for love to become a great sin, and the physical and mental trials. that come with it, including hallucinations and emotional darkness. The poems express deep pain, suffering, and a yearning for lost love to return, creating a powerful and emotional journey for readers to experience.