"My Marriage: Bliss vs Curse," embark on a journey that delves deep into the intricacies of one of life's most profound institutions – Marriage, where love's sweet melodies harmonize with the dissonance of life's challenges. This anthology un...
"My Marriage: Bliss vs Curse," embark on a journey that delves deep into the intricacies of one of life's most profound institutions – Marriage, where love's sweet melodies harmonize with the dissonance of life's challenges. This anthology uncovers the nuanced essence of wedlock, where the sweetness and bitterness of married life intertwine and reveal profound insights into the human experience.It is not only an anthology, but a culmination of 108 perspectives in the form of a mirror reflecting the multifaceted nature of human relationships. The book is a compelling exploration of the ties that bind us together—and the profound impact they have on our lives. So, immerse yourself in these stories and discover the enduring beauty of My Marriage.Foreword by Nivedita Basu (Indian Television Producer, Director, Writer) and Sidhharrth S Kumaar (Astro-Numerologist, TEDx & JoshTalks speaker, Founder of NumroVani)
Tags : Anthology on Marriage,Bliss vs Curse,Human Relationships,Love and Forgiveness,Companionship,Struggles in Marriage,Marital Adventure,Nuances of Wedlock,Emotional Insights,Perseverance