This is a collection of three short stories based on three cities, three mesmerising and mysterious cities of India. These preternatural cities are a character themselves. The cities, stood by themselves for hundreds of years holding numerous dark...
This is a collection of three short stories based on three cities, three mesmerising and mysterious cities of India. These preternatural cities are a character themselves. The cities, stood by themselves for hundreds of years holding numerous darkness within. Cities made of stones and bricks have turned their residents into stones and bricks from within. It's ironic that cities brimming with dazzling lights and yet you would find that the darkness had seeped deep within the hearts of the dwellers. And from the womb of that darkness, the stories are born.In Mysore, a group of writers gets killed one by one before the launch of their book while in Benaras a serial killer finds himself trapped in the city and in a labyrinth of nightmares meanwhile in Mussoorie a group of friends experiences some eerie and inexplicably bizarre incident while visiting a friends house for a get-together. Will they all survive the ordeal and live to tell the tale?This is a collection of three short stories based on three cities, three mesmerising and mysterious cities of India. These preternatural cities are a character themselves. The cities, stood by themselves for hundreds of years holding numerous darkness within. Cities made of stones and bricks have turned their residents into stones and bricks from within. It's ironic that cities brimming with dazzling lights and yet you would find that the darkness had seeped deep within the hearts of the dwellers. And from the womb of that darkness, the stories are born.In Mysore, a group of writers gets killed one by one before the launch of their book while in Benaras a serial killer finds himself trapped in the city and in a labyrinth of nightmares meanwhile in Mussoorie a group of friends experiences some eerie and inexplicably bizarre incident while visiting a friends house for a get-together. Will they all survive the ordeal and live to tell the tale?