In the vibrant city of Kolkata, a realm of ancient secrets and untold stories unfolds. This novel follows Raju as he navigates the city's hidden corners, discovering a reality that threatens to change his life forever. Amidst the crumbling archite...
In the vibrant city of Kolkata, a realm of ancient secrets and untold stories unfolds. This novel follows Raju as he navigates the city's hidden corners, discovering a reality that threatens to change his life forever. Amidst the crumbling architecture and whispered legends, Raju finds the lines between reality and myth blurring. The narrative, inspired by Kolkata's rich cultural heritage and the resilience of its people, explores universal themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the struggle between light and darkness. Through Raju’s eyes, readers experience the city's pulsating rhythm, its contradictions, and the transformative power of determination. Join this captivating journey into Kolkata’s soul, where secrets lie in wait, mysteries emerge, and the boundaries of reality are challenged.