In a nutshell, the story of Mystery Tour to Terra incognito starts with a tour of two close friends. One is the doyen of RAW, the most talented and dauntless officer; who conceals his real identity even with his friend. He is well known as a speci...
In a nutshell, the story of Mystery Tour to Terra incognito starts with a tour of two close friends. One is the doyen of RAW, the most talented and dauntless officer; who conceals his real identity even with his friend. He is well known as a special correspondent of a famous Indian daily paper. His friend, a youth of Arunachal Pradesh is a Liaison officer in New Delhi. Both made a plan and went out for a pleasure trip to Arunachal Pradesh and reached Tawang monastery, where Mr. Khan, the RAW agent has confronted with a series of most enigmatic amazing, and supernatural events. Gradually he felt that he has entered into an inscrutable mysterious invisible world of Wizardry. Even though he was specially assigned to a secret mission by the central government, he never divulged it before his friend.From Tawang, Mr. Khan starts his most tiresome terrific tour to that Terra incognito, an unknown land, the land of Wizards. The land of Tantric Lamas, who practiced the most inscrutable and esoteric culture of Vajrayana, the enigmatic and dreadful sect in Mahayana. Lord Pema Yungney, the most supernatural Buddhist Lama, laid the foundation stone of Vajrayana. In Hindu mythology, the great sage Rishyashringa; who performed the Putrarthe Jogya of King Dasaratha for on coming born of Rama, Laksmana, Bharat, and Satrughana was nonother this second Buddha Pema Yungney, who is said to be the Self-born. ***It's a long story about how Mr. Khan with his friend, Niko Dolo have appeared in the valley of Norbuland, the kingdom of Lama Zhiang Hui Pheng, the most dreadful Tantric of the world. Mr. Khan had frankly admitted to his superiors that he has entered into a passage of darkness, surrounded by zombies and werewolves. Wanglee, the land of beautiful blondes. Nima Hui Pheng, the first astrophysicist and astronaut, sponsored his maiden Martian Mission; the interplanetary Odyssey to lay the foundation of the Human Colony over the Red planet.