Neel and Nitin is an emotionally rich and thought-provoking novel by Nikhil Kapoor that explores the intricacies of human relationships, love, and self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of both personal and professional lives, the story de...
Neel and Nitin is an emotionally rich and thought-provoking novel by Nikhil Kapoor that explores the intricacies of human relationships, love, and self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of both personal and professional lives, the story delves into the deep bond between Neel and Nitin, two individuals connected by more than just friendship. Kapoor masterfully captures the internal struggles, emotional conflict, and the unspoken complexities of love, making the characters relatable and their journey profoundly moving. With themes of identity, acceptance, and emotional growth, Neel and Nitin invites readers to reflect on the nature of love, friendship, and life itself.