One soul, is a gateway to Tanishka’s innermost self, her poetic voice is unmistakably sincere, inviting readers into a world where emotions are laid bare, unfiltered and raw. The authenticity of the emotions portrayed is one of the collection's mo...
One soul, is a gateway to Tanishka’s innermost self, her poetic voice is unmistakably sincere, inviting readers into a world where emotions are laid bare, unfiltered and raw. The authenticity of the emotions portrayed is one of the collection's most compelling features.The recurring motifs of celestial symbols often associated with timeless and boundless love are skilfully used to convey the idea that love transcends the limitations of time and space. It adds a layer of universality, making the collection relatable to readers across diverse experiences.Whether you're seeking solace in the arms of love or indulging in the ecstasy of romance, this book will capture your heart and soul.Each poem in this book is written like a love letter from one soul to another, heart to heart.Every poem will leave you feeling inspired, touched, and perhaps even a little bit more in love.