Throughout human history, owls have variously symbolized dread, knowledge, wisdom, death, and religious beliefs in a spirit world. Owls can serve simultaneously as indicators of scarce native habitats and of local cultural and religious beliefs. T...
Throughout human history, owls have variously symbolized dread, knowledge, wisdom, death, and religious beliefs in a spirit world. Owls can serve simultaneously as indicators of scarce native habitats and of local cultural and religious beliefs. The Book Owl: The Mysterious Bird is a systematic compilation of authentic and standard literature published by renowned ornithologists, professionals, amateurs and hobbyists of the world in the field of ornithology and wildlife biology. It also covers author’s personal observations and published research work in the wild terrains of Gujarat (India) during his research exposure of 24 years as an Ornithologist and Wildlife Biologist. The present book highlights the remarkable key-points and noteworthy information about owls in terms of anatomy, morphology, symbolisms, motifs, mythology, tribal folklores, mythology, culture, human impacts, individual impacts, toxicological impacts, agricultural impacts, habitat alteration, legal protection, environmental indicators, tolerant conservation, rodent control, attacks on humans, and conservation issues. This book will definitely be a ready reference material and handy study guide for students, researchers, scientists, folklore specialists, and bird conservationists around the world.