A basic introduction to diabetes mellitus type 2, risk factors,pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical management, importance ofscreening for diabetes, diet recommendations, complications likeDiabetic heart, Diabetes Reversal, Diabetes Remission, role...
A basic introduction to diabetes mellitus type 2, risk factors,pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical management, importance ofscreening for diabetes, diet recommendations, complications likeDiabetic heart, Diabetes Reversal, Diabetes Remission, role ofphysiotherapy, different types of exercises, and advancement ofArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Diabetes MellitusType 2 Screening, Monitoring and Management are very importanttopics covered in the book. Maximum importance and impetus hasbeen given towards pointing out the goal of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2Remission during Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Reversal in the holisticinter-disciplinary approach towards the Management of DiabetesMellitus Type 2. Different diet recommendations inclusion have beenemphasized in the book along with it's role in the diet of a diabeticindividual. The various exercise forms have different roles in theexercise prescription for individuals with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.Along with the usual recommended management of diabetes mellitustype 2, various alternative therapy recommendations are alsosuggested.