The story follows Avinash Narayan (Ashu), a popular vlogger and YouTuber known for his travel series *Bharat-Bhraman*. Ashu dreamt of traveling the world and often went on long solo rides on his Bullet. However, a few years later, he tragically co...
The story follows Avinash Narayan (Ashu), a popular vlogger and YouTuber known for his travel series *Bharat-Bhraman*. Ashu dreamt of traveling the world and often went on long solo rides on his Bullet. However, a few years later, he tragically committed suicide in his Mumbai home. The reason remains unknown, but his best friend, Anurag Mahajan, holds a crucial clue—Ashu's laptop. Inside, Anurag discovered a digital diary, filled with Ashu’s nightly recordings spanning 7-8 years. One folder stood out among the others, which were labeled *Shanu*, *Sunburn - Goa*, *Kashmir Diary*, *Jaisalmer*, *Paris - Surprise*, *Breakup*, and *Barkha Sharma*. Anurag believes this mysterious folder contains the key to Ashu’s untold story and the reason behind his tragic decision, hidden away from all the friends and loved ones Ashu could have confided in.