Achieving Food & Water Security to the underdeveloped countries, restoration of the heavily polluted rivers in the developing and underdeveloped countries and actions by all countries of the world to limit adverse impacts of the Climate Change...
Achieving Food & Water Security to the underdeveloped countries, restoration of the heavily polluted rivers in the developing and underdeveloped countries and actions by all countries of the world to limit adverse impacts of the Climate Change within safe limits, are the imminent needs before the Living World. All countries would have to come together, to disperse dark clouds of these catastrophic calamities looming large on the horizon, before they overshadow our living world. Role of developed countries and countries with emerging economies is most vital in this respect. If these countries treat themselves as a part of the ‘World Family’ in guiding and assisting their weak younger brothers to gain strength, all problems before the family would be solved. Let us hope that wisdom would prevail, and we would save our ‘Living World’ from leading to the man-made ‘Holocene mass extinction’.