"Reckoning with the Vector Axe" is a compelling mystery novel that weaves a complex web of interconnected lives around a deadly and enigmatic weapon. Authored by Shrikanta Jilla and Arushh Chakravarthy Tiramdas, this gripping narrative takes reade...
"Reckoning with the Vector Axe" is a compelling mystery novel that weaves a complex web of interconnected lives around a deadly and enigmatic weapon. Authored by Shrikanta Jilla and Arushh Chakravarthy Tiramdas, this gripping narrative takes readers on a suspenseful journey filled with intrigue, divine powers, and surprising revelations. In a world where past misdeeds and secrets converge with destiny, the lives of diverse characters are inexorably linked by the malevolent Vector Axe. Follow the stories of Andrew, Justin, Dr. Ben, Jessica, and a sinister gang as they confront the ominous legacy of this mysterious instrument. Each chapter peels back another layer of the puzzle, leaving readers on the edge of their seats. As the characters grapple with the shadows of their past, they must ultimately face a reckoning with the Vector Axe. This fast-paced narrative promises to keep readers enthralled, offering a unique blend of mystery, suspense, and divine intervention.