The novel revolves around Mohan, Urvashi, Pradyuman, Monalisa Ghosh, and Rukmani, who are economics students at Delhi University. Mohan, from a farmer's family in Almora, Uttarakhand, excels in economics, becoming the go-to for classmates' complex...
The novel revolves around Mohan, Urvashi, Pradyuman, Monalisa Ghosh, and Rukmani, who are economics students at Delhi University. Mohan, from a farmer's family in Almora, Uttarakhand, excels in economics, becoming the go-to for classmates' complex problems. Urvashi, deeply impressed by his ideas and behavior, regards him as her ideal, and their friends affectionately call them Kalidas and Mallika. The novel keeps readers guessing if Kalidas will find his Mallika.A key attraction is the depiction of financial independence during student life, exemplified by the Monalisa School of Economics. The story highlights the stages of student life and the dangers of being influenced by leftist ideologies in prestigious institutions. It explores whether the characters will expose the urban Naxals or succumb to their ideology. The novel offers a small yet impactful commentary on modern youth and ideological influences.