"Rhododendrons of Singalila National Park: A Field Guide" is a comprehensive and meticulously crafted book that serves as an essential companion for exploring the enchanting world of an iconic rhododendrons of Singalila National Park. This guidebo...
"Rhododendrons of Singalila National Park: A Field Guide" is a comprehensive and meticulously crafted book that serves as an essential companion for exploring the enchanting world of an iconic rhododendrons of Singalila National Park. This guidebook begins with a historical overview of the genus discussing global distribution and the Indian perspective. It provides identification keys, detailed botanical descriptions, field identification, and illustrations based on live specimens of 21 taxa including a new species and variety discovered within the park. GPS locations of rare and endemic taxa are provided. Additionally, it also includes information on the history of the national park, vegetation, ecology, and trek routes are described in detail to understand the study area. The book examines the threats faced by rhododendrons in the park and proposes conservation measures. It will be an invaluable resource to botanists, conservationists, researchers, and plant lovers.