"Roohaniayat - A Book that tells How words play!" is a captivating poetry collection exploring love, unrequited affection, women's beauty, and the tapestry of life. Its enchanting verses evoke deep emotions and spark the imagination. With profound...
"Roohaniayat - A Book that tells How words play!" is a captivating poetry collection exploring love, unrequited affection, women's beauty, and the tapestry of life. Its enchanting verses evoke deep emotions and spark the imagination. With profound meaning and emotional resonance, the poet delves into the complexities of love, portraying its highs and heartbreaks. The book celebrates the ethereal allure of women, honoring their grace and inner strength. Roohaniayat also contemplates life's dimensions, touching on resilience, hope, introspection, and happiness. Through vivid imagery and eloquent language, the poet weaves a timeless tribute to the transformative power of words. This collection resonates with poetry lovers, romantics, and seekers of solace and inspiration. It showcases the enduring magic of language, revealing how words can play and dance, evoking emotions that transcend time and space.