“Saheb” is a non-fiction novel that chronicles Nandini’s transformative journey through the highs and lows of marriage. A tale of how strangers become close and close once become strange, the narrative delves into Nandini’s uphill battle to reclai...
“Saheb” is a non-fiction novel that chronicles Nandini’s transformative journey through the highs and lows of marriage. A tale of how strangers become close and close once become strange, the narrative delves into Nandini’s uphill battle to reclaim her life’s lost essence. As she grapples with the stark realities concealed beneath her marriage to the man she adored, Nandini’s resilience shines through. Through these encounters, Nandini learns to love herself a new by extending her affection to others. “Saheb” is a poignant testament to the power of human connections in reshaping destinies.