Salvador: The Prophecy of the Never Borns takes readers on a captivating journey to Zoraan, a land crafted by six origin Gods known as the 'Zenons' or 'Elders,' believed to be the offspring of the universe-creating 'Neverborns.' Rooted in anc...
Salvador: The Prophecy of the Never Borns takes readers on a captivating journey to Zoraan, a land crafted by six origin Gods known as the 'Zenons' or 'Elders,' believed to be the offspring of the universe-creating 'Neverborns.' Rooted in ancient ways, Zoraan was once a realm of peace and justice.However, the rise of a new reign was inevitable, bringing with it profound sacrifices. When the weight of change became unbearable, the Neverborns delivered a prophecy through the Elders: a child born to the firstborns of a distant world would rise from humble beginnings to match the Gods and save the worlds from destruction. This child, the 'Salvador,' is destined to be the savior of the Gods.This first volume in the Salvador series masterfully blends sci-fi and mythology, promising an epic saga of sacrifice, destiny, and redemption.