The story of this thriller novel revolves around a mysterious woman MAYA JOGIN .manager of world fame ashram PAWAN DHAM, who plays SAMMOHAN on swami omkareshwar Ji Maharaj founder of the ashram to dispossess him from the ashram. suddenly swami omk...
The story of this thriller novel revolves around a mysterious woman MAYA JOGIN .manager of world fame ashram PAWAN DHAM, who plays SAMMOHAN on swami omkareshwar Ji Maharaj founder of the ashram to dispossess him from the ashram. suddenly swami omkareshwar declares that after two days he will leave this world .by DEH TYAG. but police received an unknown call that it is euthanasia DEH TYAG but somebody is conspiring murder of swami Ji .so inspector general of police appoints .D C P Prashant not only to investigate the case also to protect swami Ji where .in the course of an investigation when D C P prashant discovers previous history of MAYA JOGIN finds that she is absconded, murderer. after killing her lover she took the shelter in PAWAN DHAM .and now she is planning to kill swami Ji and misleading the police that swami ji voluntarily making ICHCHA MRITYU .when Prashant reaches to the ashram to arrest MAYA JOGIN .she directly challenges that death of swami ji is unavoidable even God can not save him .this story reaches with an unexpected and surprising end. which is beyond the imagination.