'Shaka' is the story of a village where human civilization emerged. What happened in Shaka that hunter-gatherers started living as a community in a permanent settlement? Did animal husbandry and farming begin in Shaka? Why did people come to Shaka...
'Shaka' is the story of a village where human civilization emerged. What happened in Shaka that hunter-gatherers started living as a community in a permanent settlement? Did animal husbandry and farming begin in Shaka? Why did people come to Shaka again and again for festivals and fairs? Had the people of Shaka progressed so much that they built the world's first observatory or was this building in that village built by aliens? What was the secret of the T-pillars with which this first civilized society has a deep connection? An attempt has been made to find answers to these questions in Shaka's exciting, fluid and strange story. The story of Shaka's rise and fall holds many lessons for the present day civilization as well. Based on the archaeological evidence found in the centre of the 'Fertile Crescent' in Southern Turkey, this novel, which is a wonderful blend of scientific information and imagination, gives a glimpse of a human village settled about 11500 years ago. The heartbeats of that primitive society can be heard through its pages.