Life is a journey...A journey of merely a few years with its Highs and lows...A journey outside, a journey within...Is this a smooth ride full of happiness and love or is this full of scary encounters, immense pain, and unachievable goals- a journ...
Life is a journey...A journey of merely a few years with its Highs and lows...A journey outside, a journey within...Is this a smooth ride full of happiness and love or is this full of scary encounters, immense pain, and unachievable goals- a journey full of uncertainty?Maybe, it's a sheer balancing act of the two contrasts...!!!These questions stand larger than life sometimes and while sailing through this journey called life, there might be some insights to them or they might just remain unanswered...No one knows what will be the fate of the unrest, the quest, and the thirst of the soul...Let's stride for some time, on this road called life and take a few steps together, who knows what is in store for us!!!Let's walk together and explore..