The book “Spandan: Ek Tabibnan Sambharnan” is a collection of 28 Gujarati short stories based on the physician-author’s interactions with various patients and their families. In each story, the author describes how he is touched by these interacti...
The book “Spandan: Ek Tabibnan Sambharnan” is a collection of 28 Gujarati short stories based on the physician-author’s interactions with various patients and their families. In each story, the author describes how he is touched by these interactions. No story is written in a documentary manner; instead, each one is fictionalised to a certain extent to convincingly take the emotions of the author and the characters of the story to a level that delivers a very powerful message, at times humorous and other times sad. To top it all, each story is accompanied by a couple of lines of a verse that amplifies the message of the story.