
Spirituality and its Evolution: India, A Torch Bearer

by Harendra N Bora | 18-Nov-2022

The early Homo-Sapiens, the ancestors of modern man had resorted to ceremonial burials around 30-40 thousand years ago, for the welfare of the souls in the afterlife hinting that they believed in some form of elementary spirituality. Such belief o...
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Book Details

  • Language : English
  • Pages : 324
  • ISBN : 9789356284043
  • Genre: NON-FICTION
  • Size : 5" x 8"
  • Binding Type : PAPERBACK
  • Age Group: + Years
  • Paper Type : NATURAL SHADE
  • Interior : BLACK & WHITE
  • Cover : MATTE FINISH
  • Book Type : PAPERBACK
  • Tags : Spirituality and its Evolution,Spiritual
  • Best Sellers Rank :
    #394 in Non - Fiction
    #1415 in Global


  • Reep


    Harendra N. Bora's "Spirituality and its Evolution - India, A Torch Bearer" is more of an outcome of a tremendous quest to find the definition of spirituality than a book. In this digital world anyone and everyone can generate content. I have read many articles and videos on the internet by writers trying to express their feelings and define "spirituality" in their own words. This book demystifies and removes misunderstanding about the concept of spirituality. In this book, the author brings upon many historical facts and many references to state that spirituality is realised by humans since the hunter gatherer period and how it evolved as people evolved from staying in caves to living in the world of computers. The sequence of chapters is a well thought division of notable milestones of how the concept of spirituality got molded as human kind settled down and became more advanced as the years passed by. It seems like nothing is missed from the timeline of the evolution of spirituality in the book. The best part being presentation of an unbiased exploration on the topic. Nowadays, people do all the research on topics they are interested in, on the internet. Yet much of previous research is in books. It is overwhelming to see so many references of books alongside numerous internet articles in "Spirituality and its Evolution - India, A Torch Bearer". This book is the right compilation of things available to read online and offline required to define and understand spirituality. It is written in easy English with deep knowledge and study which caters to both novice and experts in the domain. I highly recommend everyone to read this book and go through the references to understand the concept of spirituality. It is important for us all to realise the power and benefits of being spiritual, without compromising on the day-to-day activities, for a better life.