This romantic novel revolves around Anandita and Siddhartha, two individuals who deeply care for one another. They enjoy each other's company but struggle to understand their feelings and the nature of their relationship, leading to confusion.&nbs...
This romantic novel revolves around Anandita and Siddhartha, two individuals who deeply care for one another. They enjoy each other's company but struggle to understand their feelings and the nature of their relationship, leading to confusion. The story emphasizes the importance of having a best friend like Anandita. In the narrative, Anandita is portrayed as Siddhartha’s closest friend, yet the book suggests that such a supportive presence can be found in various roles in real life—whether it’s a parent, sibling, spouse, child, or friend. The message is that someone who loves and cares for you is always nearby, but you must recognize them and stop pursuing the unfamiliar with unrealistic expectations.The story also explores the significance of true friendships, as demonstrated by the friends who guided the narrator away from a negative path, illustrating the profound impact that genuine companionship can have in overcoming personal struggles and finding one's way back from darkness.