The Textbook on Invertebrates (Theory & Practical) presents a comprehensive study ofInvertebrate animals, which constitute a vast majority of animal species. It is separated into twomain sections: theory and practical.The theoretical part expl...
The Textbook on Invertebrates (Theory & Practical) presents a comprehensive study ofInvertebrate animals, which constitute a vast majority of animal species. It is separated into twomain sections: theory and practical.The theoretical part explores the classification, morphology, anatomy and physiology of variousinvertebrate phyla, such as Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterates, Platyhelminthes, AschelmenthesArthropoda, Mollusca, Annelida and Echinodermata. Detailed descriptions of their Habit,Habitat, Various Systems and life cycles, are presented, offering insight into their adaptation todiverse environments. Special attention is given to their evolutionary significance and theimportance of invertebrates in ecosystems.The practical section focuses on laboratory techniques and methods for studying invertebrates. Itcontains instructions for the dissection and examination of various species, insight onmicroscopy, staining techniques. Students are encouraged to collect specimens and analyzemorphological features, enhancing their hands-on understanding of invertebrate biology.The book is designed to prepare students for both academic and competitive exams. It is acomprehensive book making it essential for students in fields like zoology, marine biology andenvironmental science. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, thetextbook offers a holistic approach to understanding invertebrate diversity and their vital role inthe natural world.