The Amoeba Effect is a psycho-analytical thriller that describes the journey of four scientists who were on a mission to understand the origin of life. In a quest to decipher the complex procreation mechanism of the amoebae, they unleashed a proce...
The Amoeba Effect is a psycho-analytical thriller that describes the journey of four scientists who were on a mission to understand the origin of life. In a quest to decipher the complex procreation mechanism of the amoebae, they unleashed a process that would now release the forces of destruction. This is a story about how the inhabitants of our modern society get caught in the vortex of complicated relationships….love, hate, trust, deception, sacrifice and desires…. Based on a true incident that happened in Kolkata, this is a plot that will unveil the undercurrents of human emotions --- a book that will make you understand the true meaning of life, love and living once again….