This futuristic tale is set in the 27th century by correlating the core concepts of Singularity and Intelligence Explosion. However, the characters were carefully crafted to invoke curiosity with bated breath. According to earth's astronomers from...
This futuristic tale is set in the 27th century by correlating the core concepts of Singularity and Intelligence Explosion. However, the characters were carefully crafted to invoke curiosity with bated breath. According to earth's astronomers from the 21st Century - There is a planet in a binary star system, which they have documented as "unremarkable." The name of the planet is Eridan X-1. It is home to warlike and predatory species that we will call the Eridans. This interspecific conflict between the Humans and Eridans is stitched with the author's vivid imagination, which will bound to create ripples in the literary world. Whether it concludes on a benevolent or malevolent note rests on the reader's perspective.