We are happy to publish the book written in the Tamil Language by Mr. SK Shanmuganathan, titling“Executive – Short Novel and Compilation of MyShort Stories. The short novel “Executive” revolves around two elderly persons meeting each other for the...
We are happy to publish the book written in the Tamil Language by Mr. SK Shanmuganathan, titling“Executive – Short Novel and Compilation of MyShort Stories. The short novel “Executive” revolves around two elderly persons meeting each other for the first time on a riot-torn night, exchanging their nostalgia for a moment in their life that had happened many years ago. There are sixteen different short stories that are based on a road accident, a temple elephant, human curiosity, and the nature of people’s behaviour narrated emotionally and also in a lighter vein combined with humour. The last five short stories are based on Ancient Tamil Literary Poems (Sanga Ilakkiya Paadalgal) written by famous Tamil poets of the Sangam era.