“The Graveyard of Love and Grief”, by Shiksha Goswami, delves into the profound journey of admiration, love and the grief that comes along. Through thoughtful prose and poignant reflections, the author explores complexity of emotions and relations...
“The Graveyard of Love and Grief”, by Shiksha Goswami, delves into the profound journey of admiration, love and the grief that comes along. Through thoughtful prose and poignant reflections, the author explores complexity of emotions and relationships, with oneself as well as with others, offering insights into the values of emotions and love, and the need of love for ourselves. Shiksha’s work navigates the sensitivity of emotions, and human’s involvement with these emotions, guiding readers through the process of falling in love and being thrown out of it, and loving oneself. She delves into the psychology of attachment, abandonment, and acceptance, illuminating how being in love, and not reciprocated can hinder personal growth and happiness. The book invite people who feel too strong and deep, whose emotions are what they are, led by their feeling, more than the logics of the materialistic world, the book is for the “feelers”,It encourages them to love themselves, make their own needs a priority, and embrace change as an inevitable part of life. Ultimately, “The Graveyard of Love and Grief”, serves as a beacon of people who love without any boundation, and lose themselves in the love maze. It celebrates the courage to love, and accepting that we need love just as much.