A thrilling story begins with the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville, hunted down by the supernatural hound. ‘The Hound Of The Baskervilles’ has a theme which revolves around science Vs superstitions The next target of the hound, haunting the Grimp...
A thrilling story begins with the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville, hunted down by the supernatural hound. ‘The Hound Of The Baskervilles’ has a theme which revolves around science Vs superstitions The next target of the hound, haunting the Grimpen Mire is Sir Henry Baskerville. The super sleuth Sherlock Holmes steps in to solve the secret of the legend and a maze of mysteries haunting the moor. Will Sherlock Holmes be able to solve the mystery surrounding the death of Sir Charles in time to stop the next murder? Join to explore the beautiful English countryside and to the gloomy moors with Sherlock Holmes to unravel one of his most famous mysteries.