Her beauty brought her fame, her seduction made her dangerous, and her vengeance made her deadly. An exotic dancer who captivated Belle Époque Paris, she was known as 'Mata Hari,' meaning "Eye of the Dawn" in Malay. Her performances, filled with t...
Her beauty brought her fame, her seduction made her dangerous, and her vengeance made her deadly. An exotic dancer who captivated Belle Époque Paris, she was known as 'Mata Hari,' meaning "Eye of the Dawn" in Malay. Her performances, filled with tales of lust, jealousy, and passion, enthralled the public. However, during World War I, she was accused by the French of espionage for the Germans, using her allure to extract military secrets from influential men. Mata Hari remains a symbol of female betrayal, her life a thrilling blend of exotic dance and espionage. This book, the third in the “Last Words Series,” explores the life, death, and last words of Mata Hari, executed by the French for alleged espionage.