The magical world of bedtime StoriesThe magical world of bedtime Stories is a wonderful compilation of short realistic stories of acts of bravery, courage, empathy or leadership by children. The stories are meant to ignite creative imagination in ...
The magical world of bedtime StoriesThe magical world of bedtime Stories is a wonderful compilation of short realistic stories of acts of bravery, courage, empathy or leadership by children. The stories are meant to ignite creative imagination in children and inspire them to inculcate the learnings and become better global citizens of the world. The stories celebrate life skills that help people (especially children) navigate everyday life and improve their social interactions and relationships. These life skills will help students with critical thinking, problem solving and interpersonal interactions. The stories are inspired by real life incidents or instances from across the country. They are of real people – like you and me; spiced up with some imagination, creativity and simplistic narration. The stories can be read to children by their parents, ensuring a holistic parent child bonding activity. Or, read by the children themselves, inducing an experience of wonder, excitement and adventure.