This inspiring and educational book delves into the miraculous lives of Sri Ramakrishna and his devoted disciple, Swami Vivekananda. Featuring rare pictures, it authentically and comprehensively describes how these two spiritual giants realized Go...
This inspiring and educational book delves into the miraculous lives of Sri Ramakrishna and his devoted disciple, Swami Vivekananda. Featuring rare pictures, it authentically and comprehensively describes how these two spiritual giants realized God and guided their disciples to do the same. The book explores their world-renowned philosophies, including Karma Yoga, Divine Love, Bhakti and Bhava, and Religious Harmony. Offering thoughtful answers to profound spiritual questions, it serves as a valuable resource for seekers of spiritual knowledge. It also explains why these revered saints are seen as divine incarnations and highlights their role in the 19th-century spiritual renaissance in India, which had a global impact on spirituality.
Tags : The Miraculous lives of Avatars and their philosophies,Financial topics author,Insurance management books,Philosophy of life books,Reincarnation research