In the shadowy corridors of the Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI ), Ratri, a seasoned criminal profiler, is thrust into a chilling case that challenges her mind and shakes her to the core. She along with Aditya, a cop set out to hunt the kill...
In the shadowy corridors of the Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI ), Ratri, a seasoned criminal profiler, is thrust into a chilling case that challenges her mind and shakes her to the core. She along with Aditya, a cop set out to hunt the killer. Enters John, an enigmatic convicted serial killer in captivity who must help them and one who exerts an inexplicable hold over Ratri. In a gripping and morally complex narrative that moves in a nonlinear fashion, the novel delves into the haunting psyche of the characters entangled in a web of dark desires and disturbing connections.The story explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the twisted nature of obsession, leading to a chilling and unexpected climax.