This is a short poetry collection varying from themes such as loe. art. and sorrow to nature, traveling, ambitions, folklore, and so on. The poems are short and easily relate to the dally life struggles of a young adult. while taking a moment to a...
This is a short poetry collection varying from themes such as loe. art. and sorrow to nature, traveling, ambitions, folklore, and so on. The poems are short and easily relate to the dally life struggles of a young adult. while taking a moment to appreciate the essence of being human. To understand the world deeper than the others. is as much a curse as it is a boon. Embracing both sides of the coin, the various schemes highlighted through the reach of my work aim at making more readers feel included while instilling a sense of belonging and purpose in them. The parallels drawn are intricate and easy to follow. which I hope will keep poetry lovers engaged. Without too much spotlight on any one aspect of melancholy. It is a fresh perspective of the world from the eyes of a young enthusiastic person learning to embrace every chapter of life.