The Other Side of Her is a gripping psychological thriller that blurs the line between trust and deception. The story follows Dr. Ahaana Khanna, a successful psychiatrist haunted by her past. When she discovers that her charismatic yet deeply trou...
The Other Side of Her is a gripping psychological thriller that blurs the line between trust and deception. The story follows Dr. Ahaana Khanna, a successful psychiatrist haunted by her past. When she discovers that her charismatic yet deeply troubled former patient, Annie, is now about to get married to her brother Vihaan, Ahaana’s life spirals into chaos.Convinced that Annie harbors a sinister secret, Ahaana embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth. With tension building and her grip on reality slipping, Ahaana must navigate a web of lies, manipulation, and obsession to protect her family from Annie, or risk losing everything.The Other Side of Her is a chilling exploration of trust, betrayal, and the secrets we hide, perfect for fans of layered, twist-filled thrillers.