Every individual in this world endeavours to achieve "Happiness" and struggles day and night to reach his dream. He fights endlessly to cherish his goals and sacrifice everything in order to witness the bird of happiness fly over him. The increase...
Every individual in this world endeavours to achieve "Happiness" and struggles day and night to reach his dream. He fights endlessly to cherish his goals and sacrifice everything in order to witness the bird of happiness fly over him. The increased growth of materialism and disregard towards faith and religion had led to suffering and bitterness which severely diminished the happiness and stability of mankind. Even happiness can be turned into tragedy by the dishonesty and misconduct of others. None but there is only one who knows for certain what makes him happy and where shall the roads to felicity land him to pursue his goals. There is no person alive who cannot make a new beginning for himself. If one keeps eyes on the road he can't go far wrong. Abraham Lincoln says that people were as happy as they made up their minds. It is a pity that there are many problems that dilute our happiness. People fabricate their own unhappiness within themselves by carrying insane thoughts, negative feelings of resentment, ill willpower and hate etc. Don't engage your heart in grief over the past or you won't be ready for what is coming in future. There is no known easier, softer way to reach success and felicity. "The Roads To Felicity" is a noble effort to guide yourself, towards the path of righteousness and reaching endless felicity and success.