This story explores the depths of human greed. Haupei, a rustic villager, is tricked by the demon Radie into sacrificing his only son, N-giatuna, in exchange for a wish charm. Abandoned on a desolate island, young N-giatuna miraculously survives a...
This story explores the depths of human greed. Haupei, a rustic villager, is tricked by the demon Radie into sacrificing his only son, N-giatuna, in exchange for a wish charm. Abandoned on a desolate island, young N-giatuna miraculously survives and returns fifteen years later, journeying to the kingdom of King Gwongso, who has ruled for 700 years through a "Longevity Charm." N-giatuna, now in possession of a wish charm after slaying a demon, falls in love with Princess Leiyina. But King Gwongso, determined to prevent their union, imposes life-threatening challenges to eliminate him. As N-giatuna faces these trials, a twist of fate reveals the peril of Gwongso’s own charm, ultimately leading to his undoing.