In a world where innovation is the currency of progress, "The Teen Factor" emerges as a clarion call to harness the untapped potential of youth. Acclaimed futurist Dr. Jawahar Surisetti's masterpiece transcends the traditional boundaries of corpor...
In a world where innovation is the currency of progress, "The Teen Factor" emerges as a clarion call to harness the untapped potential of youth. Acclaimed futurist Dr. Jawahar Surisetti's masterpiece transcends the traditional boundaries of corporate wisdom, inviting readers to explore the vibrant minds of Maya, Alex, and Ben, thereby giving birth to a new genre that he calls "self-help fiction.". These teenage protagonists are not just characters; they are the vanguards of a new era, their digital prowess a beacon in the fight against a formidable cyber threat. This book is a dual-threaded tapestry, interlacing thrilling fiction with actionable insights and offering a unique blend of narrative and self-help strategies. It's an odyssey that promises to dismantle age-old barriers and ignite a revolution in creative problem-solving. "The Teen Factor" is not just a read; it's an experience that will redefine your perception of innovation and leadership.