The story begins in a small town where murders are occurring one after another near the railway tracks. Despite finding clues, the police are unable to piece them together. In the midst of this, Lieutenant Vishal steps in to assist the police in s...
The story begins in a small town where murders are occurring one after another near the railway tracks. Despite finding clues, the police are unable to piece them together. In the midst of this, Lieutenant Vishal steps in to assist the police in solving the mystery.Gradually, Lieutenant Vishal discovers that the murderer not only kills physically but also destroys the victim mentally. The killer is a mentally disturbed cannibal.The story reaches its peak when Lieutenant Vishal confronts the cannibal serial killer. Vishal devises a plan to trap the killer, but the murderer outsmarts him and commits another murder beyond his expectations. Just before each murder, a wolf howls.This story is filled with crime, mystery, and psychological elements, depicting the encounter between a dangerous serial killer and a brave soldier. To find out why the killer is committing these murders, why Vishal is helping the police, and why a wolf howls just before each murder, you’ll have to read the story.