"The world behind the eyes" is an exciting story of four friends who set out to unravel the mysteries of the ghostly tales prevalent in their village. The ongoing eerie rumors and stories have created an atmosphere of fear in the village. These fo...
"The world behind the eyes" is an exciting story of four friends who set out to unravel the mysteries of the ghostly tales prevalent in their village. The ongoing eerie rumors and stories have created an atmosphere of fear in the village. These four friends decide to investigate the root of these frightening stories and events.However, behind every story lies a hidden truth that constantly seeks to come to light. The four friends, using their wit and understanding, attempt to uncover the reality behind each tale."The world behind the eyes" is a suspense-filled narrative that takes readers into a world of fear, thrill, and imagination. It highlights that sometimes, behind every imagined story, there may be a hidden truth waiting to be discovered.