Did he find his llfe In the game of soccer?Or he used to explore life by mingling withthe people around him? Probably bothWhile watching soccer, been played invarious parts of the world, he became a diehard fan of Arsenal Football Club ofLondon, b...
Did he find his llfe In the game of soccer?Or he used to explore life by mingling withthe people around him? Probably bothWhile watching soccer, been played invarious parts of the world, he became a diehard fan of Arsenal Football Club ofLondon, being impressed by theirstruggling history. On the other hand,giving up his dream of beingg a greatfootballer due to financial hardships, heacquireda job of a financial analyst in a USbased company. He commenced hiscareer there industriously and by virtue ofhis virtuosic performance, bagged apromotion within a short spelI. He becamevery popular amongst his colleagues andbeyond. He also led the office footballteam to victory in Bengaluru Office SoccerLeague.It was in the end of April 2016 that Avikfound his right hand and lower limb notfunctioning well. all. Getting no result frommedicines, he had to undergo MRIfollowed by surgery and thus it wasdetected malignant cancer that too of avery rare kind, Glloblastoma. The familydecided to get him treated at TMHBombay, but trouble was stll round thecorner. 'The block' which was given forbiopsy was not handed over to the familyeven on the day they were leaving forMumbai. Thus began Avik's and hisfamily's long battle with the deadlydisease. After two long, painful months ofundergoing radiation and chemotherapy, itseemed that Avik had finally won the battleand the family returned to their base. Butlittle did they know that this joy was ashort lived one. While Avik was trying hislevel best to get his former strength back,his nightmare' was just lurking in in theshadows and planning his' deadlyonslaught. This brought him back toMumbai His last hope was to undergoshunting which provided temporaryrepose. But Avik could not win the deadly battle.Avik Roy died 42 days after his shunting, inthe ICU, when the cancer ca which was madeof him, finally stopped his heart, which wasalso made of him, creating a huge vacuum in the hearts of the people he hadtouched.