Tom and Amy, grappling with emotional and financial strain, embark on a journey to the Himalayas in India to seek solace. There, they meet a mysterious guru who offers them a chance to experience their past lives through guided meditations, and un...
Tom and Amy, grappling with emotional and financial strain, embark on a journey to the Himalayas in India to seek solace. There, they meet a mysterious guru who offers them a chance to experience their past lives through guided meditations, and understand the cause of their current sufferings.Subsequently, during one of their self-guided sessions, they accidentally swapped their souls into each other's bodies. As they navigate the challenges of living in each other’s shoes, they uncover hidden truths about their past karmas and experience its bearing on their current lives, leading to a deeper understanding of the karmic cycle.
Tags : TRANSITION: From One Life to Another,Soul swapping,Past lives exploration,Himalayan journey,Karmic cycle,Spiritual transformation,Mystical guru,Body swap